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Michael Symes - Shire Library: The English Rococo Garden 530 read online book DJV


Ce livre historique peut contenir de nombreuses coquilles et du texte manquant. Les acheteurs peuvent generalement telecharger une copie gratuite scannee du livre original (sans les coquilles) aupres de lediteur. Non reference. Non illustre. 1881 edition. Extrait: courant des principaux resultats de la lithologie et de la paleontologie, nous croyons que, de nos jours, ces deux sciences suffisent largement pour alimenter lactivite de savants speciaux, qui peuvent, a la rigueur, accomplir toute leur tache dans le calme du laboratoire, sans quil leur soit indispensable de recourir a lobservation directe du terrain. Tel nest pas le cas du geologue proprement dit. La mission qui lui incombe est de reconnaitre, en place, les rapports mutuels de position des roches et des ensembles organiques. En eflet, la composition des masses minerales qui supportent la parure vegetale du globe varie dun point a un autre et, sur un meme point, elle varie aussi avec la profondeur a laquelle on lobserve. Tantot les roches constituent de veritables massifs, dont tous les elements sont cristallises et qui, a la maniere des laves modernes, renvoient des ramifications dans les terains encaissants; tantot elles se partagent en assises, parfois meme en feuillets, regulierement superposes et laissant voir, dans leur composition aussi bien que dans larrangement de leurs elements, les caracteres dun sediment depose au sein des eaux. 11 importe donc de definir les lois auxquelles obeissent Va juxtaposition et la superposition des roches. Il en est exactement de meme des faunes et des flores. Ces groupes organiques se succedent, dans lespace horizontal comme dans lespace vertical, suivant un ordre determine, que lobservation directe peut seule faire connaitre et qui..., Delightful, eccentric, capricious, bizarre - the English Rococo garden, an intriguing branch of eighteenth-century horticulture, was all these and more. This book relates the components of the Rococo garden to movements in art and architecture that had developed in Britain and in Europe, and shows its particular appeal to amateur designers and owners. It was an expression of a period in time, following Baroque and neo-Palladian and anticipating Romanticism in its sense of freedom. Mostof the enchanting scenes depicted in Thomas Robins' watercolours have disappeared, but there are many garden buildings from the period that survive. The styles which overlap with Rococo - Gothic, chinoiserie, rustic - are also considered here, as is the use of flowers, rocks and shells. The principal designers are also profiled, including Sanderson Miller and Thomas Wright., Delightful, eccentric, capricious, bizarre the English Rococo garden, an intriguing branch of eighteenth-century horticulture, was all these and more. This book relates the components of the Rococo garden to movements in art and architecture that had developed in Britain and in Europe, and shows its particular appeal to amateur designers and owners. It was an expression of a period in time, following Baroque and neo-Palladian and anticipating Romanticism in its sense of freedom. Most of the enchanting scenes depicted in Thomas Robins' watercolours have disappeared, but there are many garden buildings from the period that survive. The styles which overlap with Rococo Gothic, chinoiserie, rustic are also considered here, as is the use of flowers, rocks and shells. The principal designers are also profiled, including Sanderson Miller and Thomas Wright., Delightful, eccentric, capricious, bizarre these are some of the adjectives that describe an intriguing branch of the eighteenth-century English garden. This book relates the components of the rococo garden to movements in art, architecture, sculpture and porcelain which had developed in Britain and in Europe. It was an expression of a period in time, following baroque and neo-Palladian and looking ahead to romanticism in its freedom from strict rules. Most of the enchanting scenes depicted in Thomas Robins's watercolours have disappeared, but there are many garden buildings from the period that survive. The styles which overlap with rococo Gothic, chinoiseries, rustic are considered, as is the use of flowers, rocks and shells. The principal designers are also featured, including Sanderson Miller and Thomas Wright. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael Symes is a garden historian whose interest developed from literature to real gardens, particularly those of the eighteenth century. Other titles for Shire by this author: Magic and Illusion Garden Sculpture

Book Shire Library: The English Rococo Garden 530 by Michael Symes in DOC, EPUB